In 1978 I took piano lessions for one year…. much too less as it turned out later. It´s usually not my way to blame others or find excuses , but in this case I honestly have to say, that I simply had the wrong teacher.
In 1989 I spent my first hard earned money for my first keyboard and a computer. With this range of possibilities I wrote about 150 songs in two years. Music was not only a thing where I put in my spare energy and creative power, it was also my compensator, to get rid of all the bad things that happened to me as an absolutely independent teenager and usually would kick me off track. Music was my own world, where every passion and pain, every kind of helpless feeling or weakness was transformed into another form of ernergy.

In 1994 my Sport-Manager realized my talent and arranged my record deal with a folk-music-label. The song CHRISTMAS TIME, which is included on the first Single-CD, was presented on the national TV two years in a row. The sound and style of my first song FREESTYLEmade me say: “I was young and needed the money” …well – just an excuse, because in fact I actually never earned any money with this disc.
Never the less it was worth it, because I met my second real teacher during the Production of this Single-CD:

What Hugo Bonatti was for me in Freestyle, Patrick Cox was in music. Pat was the drummer of a very famous folk-music-band at this time, called THE ZILLERTALER SCHÜRZENJÄGER. This band sold more than a million copies of theyr last album and played open-air-concerts in front of an audience up to 150.000 people! Anyway – the multi-instrumentalist Patrick opened my musical horizon for fivehundred percent.
In 1995 Pat produced my first Longplay-CD. Twelve songs written and composed by me and one of Pat’s songs. Also a grunsh-version of FREESTYLE, ment as a big excuse for the first mainstream-sh…. Pat did a great job, especially regarding the musicians.
Thomas Lang played for Falco, Peter Gabriel, Nick Kershaw, Asia and Bonnie Tyler.
Mike Majzen was lead-singer and bass-player of the Heavy Metal Band JESUS MESSERSCHMIDT
and writer of Nr.-One-Hit JANINE.
Stefan Mitterbacher played with SAVE THE ROBOTS, a project with Konrad Schrenk and Thomas Lang and is involved in all top-productions in Vienna.
Patrick Cox was the drummer of the folk-music-band ZILLERTALER SCHÜRZENJÄGER, drummer and the guitar-player of the band COMBO DELAGO and producer of almost everything with quality in Tirol.
The album had international standard and the promotion from my side was really good. Unfortunately TYROLIS was unable to distribute the CD.
But therefor I had my first Open-Air Solo-Concert on top of the Stubai Glacier during the following PR-Tour…

In 1996 I composed the sport-aid-song FOR AUSTRIA. I was not good and not strong enough at this time to produce it myself, so I had to make compromises…..the wrong one’s – as it turned out. Written as a rock-hymn the producer Bobby Gutdeutsch made a sad & mellow Jazz-Ballade out of it. Actually Patrick would have been perfect for this song… however – I learned something out of it, and that’s my last comment to this CD, which was also the last co-operation with TYROLIS.

Just as an example to compare – thats the demo for it,
produced in my private 8-track studio:
“The Best Austrians”
In 1998 Pat was back in the house. I produced the official Austrian Olympic Song NAGANO with him, and felt better than ever before, because this time I really lived out my ideas and my style – without any compromises. Too bad, that the record label my Sport-Manager choose this time was even worse.
The company MUSICA wasn’t only unable to distribute the CD before the Olympic Games were over, they screwed me, because of another band, they had under contract at the same time. I don’t want to go into details here, but simply said our styles were too similar and the band got pushed – now I was really welcome in the bisiness! On the other hand I produced my first real professional music-video with one of the most successful companies – DOLEZAL & ROSSACHER – and had a song, which I really loved to sing on a stage, what I can’t tell about every song which I had produced at this time!
In 2000 I received the unofficial commission to perform the official song for the Worldchampionships 2001 in Alpine Skiing, taking place in St. Anton (AUT). For the fact, that Pat and I have two very different professions and we both are pretty successful and busy with it, we couldn’t find much time together. So it took me almost nine weeks to produce a demo with a quality, that could reach the high level of the commission. As usual that was too late…..
A friend of mine, Alexander Witting, took the opportunity and offered me, to perform at the presentation of his Porsche-Cup-Racing-Team and change the words, to make it an official team-song.
In 2001 we had the presentation in March, and everything looked like this would be the final breakthrough… …but then Alexander got fired out of the team.
And though I knew the rest of the team and the teamleader very well, I decided out of solidarity to Alex, that I let the project die.
In 2004 I was considered for a big project and sang the two demos “Same Situation” and “Sunshine”. Needing a lot of energy and time for my running sport-career with the final goal at the Olympics 2006, I was actually more happy then sad, that the project finally didn’t happen, caused by the lack of budget.
In 2008 I produced the demo “We Are The Game” for the UEFA Soccer European Championships taking place in Vienna, Zürich and – Innsbruck. I realized, that sport-politics are getting worse with the number of Euro´s standing behind the business – one look into this level was enough for me. But I was in good company with DJ Bobo, who got screwed even worse, since he actually is a superstar and should stand far above such treatments. No worries – I liked the song and the games, allthough I never got to perform…
In 2009 I produced the song “Life Goes On” for my first standing-alone event. Originally it was written for Matthias Lanzinger, who lost his leg at an awful ski-accident, which hit me really deeply. With less private lyrics for the audience I dedicated this song to all handicapped people.
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